Epic Cities: Great Wall Set 01 Complete!

Hello everyone, we're back with another update!

Epic Cities - Great Wall Set 01 is complete and is now available in the store, in the Epic Cities Collection, Bundle 03 and in the libraries of backer's who purchased the EC add-on.  Consisting of 27 tiles, this sets contains all the standard wall combinations and connections and includes mountain edges. 

Click image to view MMF object

As we said in our last update, this set started out with "only" 20 tiles but through development it has expanded to 54 tiles and split into 2 sets to make it more manageable. We know there are some sets that are missing some needed variations so we want to be able to provide all combinations so we won't need to revisit this set at a later date. We do have plans to revisit those other sets and fill in the holes but we'll share more on that at a later date.

App News

The destruction set has been added to the app along with some image optimisations.  We've had to hold back some UI changes until we've ironed out a few bugs but expect some new features such as canvas rotation by our next update.   We'll also be adding placeholder images (uncoloured) to fill out the remaining sets missing from the app.

What's Next?

We're making excellent progress with the other half of the Great Wall stretch goal which contains all the wall/road, wall/river and wall/road/river variations possible. It will consist of 27 unique tiles and should be released in two weeks time.

Beyond that, we will be working on the web app and tiles guides to include all latest tiles. Next up for Epic Cities is Mountain Edges and for the next Gold Tier stretch goal, we'll be working on the Dwarven Fortress which will be something truly special!


as always,

keep it hexy,

Dan & Jax


Epic Cities: Great Wall Set 02 Complete!


Realms of Midworld