Epic Cities: Great Wall Set 02 Complete!

It was a formidable undertaking, but we're excited to announce that we've achieved the second EC Great Wall stretch goal with the launch of Epic Cities - Great Wall Set 02.

This set is now accessible for backers who added EC as an add-on during the main campaign, and it's also available for download to those who have acquired the Epic Cities Collection and Bundle 03 on MMF. You can also purchase it using the link provided below.

Although we initially believed we had exhausted all possible combinations, we later discovered four more options to include, resulting in a substantial set of 31 tiles.

App News

In terms of our app, we're excited to introduce some fresh features and a revamped user interface. You'll immediately notice a new left-hand tool panel, which now includes handy tools like the fill tool and the rotate canvas tool. Furthermore, we've introduced placeholders for most of the missing tiles and plan to keep expanding on this. Our upcoming priorities include working on tile grouping and further enhancements to the UI, particularly the right-hand panel.  

App changes

Revamped the UI layout (With more improvements to come)

  • Added Fill bucket

  • Added a method to change the orientation of the grid

  • Added shortcut keys to change the rotation of paint brush and fill bucket tool;

- A key to rotate counter-clock wise

- S key to rotate clock wise

  • Fixed tiles not setting if dropped onto the "ID Overlay" text and other related issues

  • Fixed image loader becoming blocked if to many images fail to load

  • Fixed paint brush not clearing correctly on right mouse button; and

  • Fixed selected tile not deselecting when clicking on an empty cell

What's next?

So, what lies ahead for us? Our commitment to updating app images and tile guides will persist until we've brought everything up to date. On our immediate agenda are the creation of two exciting sets: the Dwarven Fortress Legendary and the Mountain Edges for Epic Cities.

as always,

keep it hexy,

Dan & Jax


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Epic Cities: Great Wall Set 01 Complete!