Something a Little Different...

We know that sci-fi themed tiles are high up on the list of what people would like to see next from Hexton Hills and it's something we've been excited to explore. That's why we couldn't pass up on an opportunity to collaborate with MiniWarGaming to make a small set of sci-fi tiles to feature in their Necromunda Ash Wastes narrative campaign.

This 6 tile set contains 3 Wasteland Settlements, a bone pit, an observatory tower and a mine site. It is available now on our MMF store.


What's next?

Don't worry, we haven't forgotten what's left and have been working on the next stretch goal which is the Legendary Floating City tile. It's proving to be a bit of a beast but we're really happy with how it's turning out.

Floating City WIP

It's going to be a technical challenge for us but is an excellent opportunity to push what we can do for Hexton Hills and make these next tiles truly legendary.

That's it for now but we'll be back soon with the finished tile.

Keep it hexy,

Dan & Jax


Extra Legendary Complete!


Anime Dungeons Set